Periodic table of elementaries

Contribution to exhibition ‘404 Page Not Found’, Kunstenhuis, Harelbeke (B)

The periodic table of elementaries 2020 reflects on the desired shifts to our ways of being in the world. Can we move from economic to ecological reasoning; from linear to circular approaches and from individual to collective responsibilities; hence, from having to sharing, from binary to plurality.

This work has been printed in an edition of 1000 for the exhibition ‘404 Page Not Found’ at the Kunstenhuis, Harelbeke (B). The show moves on the overlap of science and art: “We know that the page has not been found, but an answer to our question is not forthcoming. This exhibition does not answer individual questions and certainly does not solve any mysteries, but it tries to redefine our views on known and unknown. Because science and art are more closely related than we think. Both have been trying to analyze, understand and explain the world for centuries; they are the vehicles of knowledge expansion. What are the blind spots in our current knowledge system?”

Black & White, A2, edition 1000
Printed by Drukta (Ghent) on recycled paper with eco-friendly ink, making the poster biodegradable

For exhibition ‘404 Page not found
Kunstenhuis Harelbeke (B)
Autumn 2020
Curator: Frank Merkx

Annelys de Vet