Bar Among Us
Scenographic music-performance, 2004
'Bar Among Us' is a surreal musical conversation, unexpectedly in the bar, suddenly sitting next to you. It’s a insitu musical experience that abstracts, comments and exposes typical communicative structures. The performance took place in a bar, where the musicians were seated among the visitors with their instruments as their voices; trumpets chattering amongst themselves, trombones mumbling at each other, saxophones seducing and a lonesome player in the bathroom. The bar is filled with clouds of communication. Each visitor has his own role; theatre-addictive, eternal student, would-be or past lover, local fool, habitué, soaker, bachelor, seducer or wrong friend. Every encounter takes place in a well-known environment which is alienated, where ordering a drink, or seating oneself at a table is deprived of its commonplace, but nevertheless unexpectedly appealing.
Concept: Mayke Nas & Annelys de Vet
On the invitation of: Soirée Unextracted, an initiative of wind ensemble ‘de Volharding’ and composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven. Subsequently "Onder Ons" continued as an independent production
Duration: 30 minutes
Performed by: Orkest the Volharding, Calefax & friends (the Netherlands) & Students Royal Irish Academy of Music (Ireland)
– 18 April, 4 June 2004: Korzo (foyer), The Hague
– 25, 26 June 2004: MS Blommendal, Docklands, Amsterdam
– 4, 5, 6 en 7 October 2004: ‘Fringe Festival', The Globe, Dublin
– 15 November 2004: ‘Calefax Pan’, De Brakke grond, Amsterdam
– 20, 21 November 2004: ‘November music’, Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch
‘Café Onder Ons’, Orkest de Volharding, Korzo The Hague, June 2004
‘Bar Among Us’, Students Royal Irish Academy of Music, Fringe Festival, Dublin, October 2004