Bar Among Us

Scenographic music-performance, 2004

'Bar Among Us' is a surreal musical conversation, unexpectedly in the bar, suddenly sitting next to you. It’s a insitu musical experience that abstracts, comments and exposes typical communicative structures. The performance took place in a bar, where the musicians were seated among the visitors with their instruments as their voices; trumpets chattering amongst themselves, trombones mumbling at each other, saxophones seducing and a lonesome player in the bathroom. The bar is filled with clouds of communication. Each visitor has his own role; theatre-addictive, eternal student, would-be or past lover, local fool, habitué, soaker, bachelor, seducer or wrong friend. Every encounter takes place in a well-known environment which is alienated, where ordering a drink, or seating oneself at a table is deprived of its commonplace, but nevertheless unexpectedly appealing.

Concept: Mayke Nas & Annelys de Vet
On the invitation of: Soirée Unextracted, an initiative of wind ensemble ‘de Volharding’ and composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven. Subsequently "Onder Ons" continued as an independent production
Duration: 30 minutes
Performed by: Orkest the Volharding, Calefax & friends (the Netherlands) & Students Royal Irish Academy of Music (Ireland)

– 18 April, 4 June 2004: Korzo (foyer), The Hague
– 25, 26 June 2004: MS Blommendal, Docklands, Amsterdam
– 4, 5, 6 en 7 October 2004: ‘Fringe Festival', The Globe, Dublin
– 15 November 2004: ‘Calefax Pan’, De Brakke grond, Amsterdam
– 20, 21 November 2004: ‘November music’, Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch

‘Café Onder Ons’, Orkest de Volharding, Korzo The Hague, June 2004

‘Bar Among Us’, Students Royal Irish Academy of Music, Fringe Festival, Dublin, October 2004

ObjectsAnnelys de Vet